Passion and pleasure in the kitchen!
Gourmet recipes, starters, shellfish, pastries, vegetarian dishes and pasta recipes – cooking is a real passion for food lovers. Local products are among the emblematic heritages of a region, a country and even a nation, more on

Viennese pastries and cakes
Discover the products derived from bread, bakery and pastry.

Drinks, cocktails & juices
Quench your thirst with recipes for drinks and cocktails with sweet and fruity notes.

Grills & gourmet
Taste delicious recipes, grilled meats and colourful vegetables.
Recipes that will appeal to cooking enthusiasts!
Whether sweet or savoury, easy recipes have long been a favourite among fans of universal cuisine.
Sweet recipes to devour
Mousse, tarts, pancakes, sorbet, sweet cakes, smoothies, crèmes brulées, yoghurt and verrines, the sweet recipes literally melt in your mouth. They can be enjoyed as an aperitif or as a dessert.
Another idea for easy sweet recipes is to simply mix up some seasonal fruit to make delicious fruit salads and compotes.

Savoury recipes to enjoy
Soup, savoury cakes, quick meat dishes, vegetable side dishes, cheese, fish, shellfish with different sauces, there is no shortage of savoury dishes to enjoy in any season.
Enjoy the taste of pasta recipes, tarts, tuiles, tartines and petit fours. Freshly baked gratins and quiches can be enjoyed without moderation.
World cuisine:
recipes country by country
Discover the most famous original recipes in the world, dishes to enjoy at any time.

Sushi, Japan at our table
Sushi is the most popular of all the Japanese dishes, with rice and fish wrapped in a sheet of rice, more about sushi on

The real Italian
Thin and crispy, the real Italian pizza is above all round with runny cheese.

Sandwiches, the American delicacy
Composed of a baguette, a meat dish, a few spicy tomatoes and a worldly salad.
Spices & herbs for cooking: how to make your own mixes?
Do you want to try a tasty and varied cuisine? Learn how to make your own spice and herb blends based on hot, sweet, warm, aromatic, fusion and spicy preparations. For example, you can combine ground coriander with cumin, turmeric, black pepper and a little chilli, or ginger with pepper, nutmeg and cloves.
Go for these
chocolate recipes!
Chocolate recipes are a sure-fire way to impress your guests. Young and old, everyone loves them, easy to make recipes to enjoy on any occasion. Chocolate mousse, chocolate pie, chocolate cake, fruit and chocolate ice cream, chocolate cake or chocolate brownie, there is no shortage of ideas for chocolate treats made with cocoa powder. You can also choose between white, dark and milk chocolate to vary the pleasures.
Tips for cooking like a chef
Kitchen utensils: what equipment do chefs use?
No matter how difficult the recipes are, a chef always comes through like a true master of modern cooking. His secret? He uses a variety of essential kitchen equipment to prepare, cook and dress his various meals.
He often equips himself with different styles of cutlery, chopping board, kitchen scales, cul-de-poule, grater, wooden spoon, maryse, whisk and thermometer, not forgetting the indispensable chef’s apron.
All-in-one multi-function food processor, put it in gear!
A real all-purpose cooking machine, the multi-function food processor can be used in the kitchen, no matter what kind of recipes you need to prepare. In theory, the most complete appliance allows you to cut, chop, knead, grate, grind, slice and whip up egg whites in a few minutes.
Get your starch recipes into gear quickly by choosing a powerful, easy-to-maintain, safe and cost-effective multifunction food processor.
Great recipes for the holidays with unforgettable taste
The festive season offers you another opportunity to please your loved ones with beautiful, unforgettable recipes. As starters or appetizers, the recipes for salads, jellies, fricassees, canapés and crisps literally melt in your mouth. As a main course, meat dishes are timeless and can be cooked at any time.
You can also prepare recipes for scallops, fish fillet, liver or oysters and get a nice, richly flavoured plate. A festive meal ends with a sweet, fruity or flavoured dessert.
Ingredients you should always have in your kitchen
Eggs, flour, dairy products, butter, sugar, salt and starches are essential ingredients in the kitchen to prepare different recipes at a moment’s notice. In the kitchen cupboard you can store frozen vegetables, tinned fish, meat, spices, condiments, dried fruit, rice, tomato paste, mushrooms, pasta and root vegetables.